As a Shakespeare nerd I really enjoyed this novel. I like the alternating time lines and the commentary about artist erasure.
Another book recommended by a student. Not my usual drama but I was captivated by the old Hollywood narrative and the scandals of the many marriages. Definitely some moments that I wasn't expecting and hurt to read about.
I really enjoyed this fantasy novel. Enjoyed the 'damsel' character who had a lot of agency and spunk. Did not see the plot twists coming
Part Frankenstein, part Romeo and Juliet. An easy and enjoyable read.
A student recommendation. It was a slow start but I enjoyed the overall narrative, with the malicious kelpie storyline feeling very similar to the works of other folklore based writers. The New Zealand setting and Scottish history as well as the interesting vocabulary linked to the wider story made for an interesting read.
A re-read in preparation for teaching. I really enjoy the diary style narrative with the interspersed stories, poems, lists and transcripts. The ending breaks my heart.
A slow start but a fascinating read with slow revelations and wild plot twists.
An ambitious but not entirely satisfying end to the series. Complicated plot elements that reminded me of the film Tenet.
After seeing the film and having students talk about this book for the last few years I finally gave in and read it. A confronting glimpse into the psychology of women in unhealthy relationships.
The third installment in the Mirror Visitor series was slightly slower to get into with a change of location but overall an interesting and thought-provoking read.
A compelling second installment of the Mirror Visitor series. Reminded me of Tamora Pierce novels.
A re-read from a few years ago now that the rest of the series is available in English. Interesting world-building with an intriguing narrative and compelling ending. Can't wait to read book 2.
I enjoyed exploring this world through the POV of two different characters but wished there was a greater focus on the ongoing war and power struggle.
I struggled with Wicked. While I enjoyed the political commentary throughout, I struggled with the frequent changes in narrative POV and chronology, and found some of the ambiguity in the plot frustrating. Very different from the musical for those who were hoping for the same story
I found the second half of the book (mystery / thriller) more interesting than the first half (romance)
The first Marillier book I ever read - re-reading it for the first time in 5 years and I noticed a number of subtle plot points that had escaped me previously
Reminded me of Bones-style police/forensic duo solving mysterious and thrilling crimes. An intriguing read.
An interesting crime thriller about friendship and secrets.
While enjoyable this book felt unnecessary. The series could have ended at book 3.
This is one of my favourite books by Marillier. I reread it frequently. The magic and mystery of the narrative never fails to capture my imagination.
As a fan of The Power I equally enjoyed this book. Some of the tech-focus lost me at times but the overall narrative with flash backs and flash forward and puzzle pieces was very compelling.
This was a fascinating and jarring read - interesting plot pertaining to female rage and nature vs nurture
The start was a bit morbid but it was quite inspiring and hopeful by the end.
Interesting body-swap-through-time premise with an ending open to interpretation.
Compelling and anxiety inducing from beginning to end.