This was a great feel good book. Lots of laughs and real heart warming outcomes. I love reading books that are set in England, I get a bit nostalgic from when I lived over there. I always know its a good book and one I would recommend when I finish it in 2 days!
I enjoyed this book. It wouldn't be something I would usually read, but it had a good plot. Its funny in parts and has a good twist at the end.
This was such an amazing book - it is an epic story of human survival and love and a portrait of a family tested beyond endurance. If you haven't read this book, I highly recommend it! he Nightingale by the same author is another one I would recommend also.
This book was awesome, and made me want to watch the movie. It had some hilarious bits in it and some serious bits also. Worth a read!
This book is inspired by real events. A community is torn apart when a Nazi family moves into town to work on NASA's space program. Such a good read.
This book is a fantastic read. The main characters are Naomi May and John Lowry and is based around them heading off on a wagon train in 1853 to California for a better life. Along the way, there is tragedy, love and hardships.
This is the first book in a fantasy series. It is all about dragons and a group of people taking them to their old home.
This book is awesome. Its a period drama romance. Jane Austen was writing before her time. I love Elizabeth's character and her strong will of wanting a partner for love not money or appearance's. She is a strong female role model in this novel which for time it was written was a little unheard of. The story that unfolds is fantastic with a few twists and turns on the way. I loved the character of Elizabeths father also.
I started to read this and then started reading Pride and Prejudice and gave up on the Jane Eyre. It was good and I will complete it at some point
This book is set in 1939, it starts in 2001 where a daughter wants to now her mums history growing up in Plaka a village in Greece. So unfolds an amazing generational story about the girls heritage and about the leper colony called Spinalonga an Island across from the village Plaka and how her family is connected to it. I loved this book and all the history it writes about, its a wonderful love story too.
This was a good book, each chapter is a point of view of each character that is involved in the story. It is a psychological thriller I would say, it is good and had me gripped the whole way through, a real page turner. The characters in the book are aged 21 and are at university so could be for senior students also.
This book is great and yet again has parts about world war two in it. It has suspense, drama and is quite sad at times. I love Lucinda Rileys stand alone novels they are filled with grit and are really punchy. Another one I would highly recommend.
This boo is amazing it is the sequel to The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It revolves around Gretel who is the sister of the boy in the striped Pajamas. It goes back and forth from the present day in London to Word War Two. Its beautifully written as all John Boynes Books are and really sad in some places with a touch of humour too. It has a good twist at the end. Highly recommend.
This is such a great detective thriller. It is part of a series that has the detective Will Trent in it. The stroy line is so good, it kept me guessing and wondering the whole time while reading it. It had a great twist at the end also. Karin Slaughter always writes a good nail biting book.
God I love a Martina Cole book - This book is set in the 80's and is filled with prostitution, drugs, swearing, murder and bent cops - it revolves around a group of prostitutes that are being murdered. it is set in London and Kent. Such a good read and a good thriller too!
I didn't enjoy this book as much as Aue. I found it quite hard to follow and Kataraina's story wasn't quite as interesting.
This book is good, such a challenging read in some places - so sad too.
This novel is amazing - it is quite an in-depth read but it is such a NZ historical adventure. It is set in pre-colonial Aotearoa NZ. This was like a history lesson for me, I learnt so much. A young Maaori man wants to learn the stories and history of his ancestors, he returns to his family marae and speaks to the kaumatua (his great grand uncle) at the marae whom tells the young man about his history and tipuna - and what an amazing epic journey it is - I cannot wait to read the 2nd book in this trilogy.
This is a powerful story of a boy figuring out his sexuality - the 3 main characters are very different. Ant is figuring out friendships, masculinity and sex, he has many questions but doesn't know where to look for answers or help. The book has illustrations throughout which make the book even more special.
This was a surprise this book - an awesome one! It is set up north - Egan Tucker lives with his mum up North in the bush, living off the land - Egan has never been to the city all he knows is the bush he lives in and his mum. So when his mum goes missing one day and he he has to make his way to the city to find her it turns into a bit of a wild adventure - it really tugged at my heart strings in places - but Egan Tucker lives by his mums code of honour she taught him while growing up and it puts him in good stead while navigating the big, crazy city. Another amazing NZ author and another book, NZ students need to read.
I loved this book - another great NZ novel - funny but serious in parts and one which should be a staple in NZ school libraries. I love reading novels where I learn about about our culture and different parts of our country.
This book is really beautiful, I read it many moons ago but it was such beaut re-read - it is in one of my top 5 books - it follows the lives of 3 friends. They have been friends since they were 5, but it is mainly centred around Tully and her life from the 80's through to the early 90's. - Tully is a pretty tough character and has kinda been dragged through life, she wears an armour and keeps her feelings and problems to herself. She is a loyal friend. This made me cry while reading it - and in some parts made my heart do funny things - I know this book is special when a book can do that to you.
This is kind of a memoir about Matthew's life growing up and all his wisdoms he has written in his diaries throughout his life growing up. He's a pretty cool guy and has a real cool out-look on life.
Wow this book was so amazing - it should be read in every NZ school. I loved all the history and te reo Maaori that was used throughout the book - my uncle use to own the Rainbow Restaurant in Ngaruawahia many moons ago so when I was reading it I could relate. It had so many good NZ historical parts to it such as the NZ Maaori wars, the taking of the golf course here in Raglan and about Bastion Point which if you were reading to your class would be such great learning and discussions to have with your students. It also talks about some really influential Maaori waahine.The friendship also with Tania it made me shed a tear or two.
This book is a powerful YA book. It is about girl power at a high school and how the girl students band together to show the male students that its not ok to touch them without consent and just because you play football your not god. It has some really good themes in it about consent and social media and what sometimes goes on behind the doors of a high school when it is a male dominant environment.