Raglan Area School

2,018 pages read and 410 team points

Nic Nac's Reading

1,460 pts
(1,174 pages read)
  • Tully

    By Paullina Simons
    5 stars

  • Homestead

    By Rosina Lippi
    0 stars

  • Green Lights

    By Matthew McConaughey
    3 stars

    This is kind of a memoir about Matthew's life growing up and all his wisdoms he has written in his diaries throughout his life growing up. He's a pretty cool guy and has a real cool out-look on life.

  • Nine Girls

    By Stacy Gregg
    5 stars

    Wow this book was so amazing - it should be read in every NZ school. I loved all the history and te reo Maaori that was used throughout the book - my uncle use to own the Rainbow Restaurant in Ngaruawahia many moons ago so when I was reading it I could relate. It had so many good NZ historical parts to it such as the NZ Maaori wars, the taking of the golf course here in Raglan and about Bastion Point which if you were reading to your class would be such great learning and discussions to have with your students. It also talks about some really influential Maaori waahine.The friendship also with Tania it made me shed a tear or two.

  • Moxie

    By Jennifer Mathieu
    5 stars

    This book is a powerful YA book. It is about girl power at a high school and how the girl students band together to show the male students that its not ok to touch them without consent and just because you play football your not god. It has some really good themes in it about consent and social media and what sometimes goes on behind the doors of a high school when it is a male dominant environment.

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