Bishop Viard College


1,304 pts
(952 pages read)
  • I know why the caged bird sings

    By Maya Angelou
    3 stars

    A biography written by Margaritte (Maya) about life growing up as a black girl in America. Through her voice you experience oppression, racism etc.

  • Bystander

    By James Preller
    3 stars

    Eric navigates the world of friendships and lands the wrong friends. He longs to leave these friends but is afraid too and ends up as a bystander in alot of their friends antics (bullying, assault etc). The book talks about his inner struggles of being a bystander

  • Tiger Daughter

    By Rebecca Lim
    4 stars

    Told from a childs perspective of a migrant girl from China and schooling in Australia. She befriends another chinese boy (Henry) at school and she talks about their friendship during their school years. Highlights alot of cultural differences and friendships and struggles

  • After The Tampa

    By Abbas Nazari
    4 stars

    A true story about a refugee boy who escaped Afghanastan with his family. They landed in NZ and went to school and was a full scholar. Now owns and runs a successful training gym in NZ and his family own a successful car wreckers business

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