This book gives a very detailed explanation of thematic analysis and various ways to approach it. At first, it's quite daunting and thick, but once you grasp the basic concepts, you begin to appreciate the density
This book had some really detailed information about different types of qualitative research and the different kinds of research under this umbrella
This book was very insightful about teacher cognition. Most of the research was about one-off case studies, but the conclusions researchers came to were backed up by previous and future research in the field.
This has a good overview of narrative research, but there were times when the authors were rephrasing the works of previous researchers in a confusing manner which required me to read the cited chapter myself
This book has a good overview of narrative inquiry and analyzes it in various fields and contexts. There are also some literature reviews of narrative inquiry in specific contexts which help paint the picture of narrative inquiry as a whole. At the end of the book, there's an interview with three prominent researchers in this field who disagree on various points about narrative inquiry which makes the field a bit more opaque, but demonstrates the complexities in this field of research
I read the chapter titled "Systemic in-service language teacher education". While it didn't exactly have the information I was looking for, it was still a good analysis of various in-service English as a Foreign Language programs worldwide.
The chapter that I read in this book set out to explain how to make qualitative research be seen as "valid" when compared to quantitative research. It was very informational, but a bit dense and hard to parse at times.
While I love this universe and fantasy in general, the ending and how the book treated some of its characters didn't fully sit right with me.
This book has lots of interesting sections about language acquisition and bilingualism worldwide. It is a bit out of date, but most research still stands the test of time.
I love this series, and this book sets up a lot of events as the second-to-last book in the series