Best friends since primary school, these three girls from a small Welsh town head off at the end of high school for a girls holiday, setting off a chain of events which affect their individual lives and test their long term friendship. Narrated by the author this is an honest and relatable look at relationships, it made me chuckle and leak a few tears.
Ryland Grace doesn’t even know his own name when he awakes from a coma. As bits of information start to slowly drift back to him, he discovers he is alone on a spacecraft heading towards a sun that isn’t even his own. He doesn’t recognise the two shells of the dead crew mates in the room beside him or why he is there, but he needs to remember fast because the future of the earth depends on him. He discovers he is a science teacher - why is the future of the entire earth’s population dependant on his apparent vast and expert knowledge of inter stellar life? Luckily it turns out he’s not the only living being out there with this kind of pressure on him. Wade through some science which starts to become easier to fake understand to find the warm friendship and humour of this book. The film comes out in 2026, I hope they don’t ruin this great book.
Billy’s mum teaches him survival skills every chance she gets, in fact she moves him around schools and takes him out of school on “adventures”. He is used to not making friends and while he loves these adventures, he does sometimes long for his mum to be like other mums. One day she goes too far with her sketchy theories and he has to go and live with his Dad who is scathing about his mum and questions her mental health. Suddenly though, some strange behaviours in the community start to cause widespread panic and it seems Billy’s mum may not have been so paranoid after all. Gripping stuff for year 6+.
A beautiful graphic novel detailing the varied life of Hawaii born Japanese girl Amy, whose family is forced into detention after the bombing of Pearl Harbour while she, on a short stay in Japan, is drafted as a translator for the Japanese war effort. Torn between the two worlds she has to decide where her loyalties lie and face the consequences of working in the centre of Hiroshima. Suitable for year 6+.
I listened to the audio book of this, an interesting idea of the death doola, professional company for the dying to take down their final regrets and thoughts and help them transition peacefully into the next world. Clover was ideal for this profession because she has been starved of affection in her own life and craves neither the company nor interest of others. A new customer brings a few interesting opportunities of a more sociable and romantic nature. Not corny, nicely written but not cheerful!