Short stories - have read quite a few. Very odd use of language and perspective. Dreamy - like a David Lynch film.
Good concept to reimagine Huck Finn but have the slave Jim as the hero. Necessarily dark in places but still retains somehow the sense of adventure from Mark Twain. That’s the only odd thing - this sort of tone rubbing up against the nasty brutal nature of the life described. Anyways it was a fast read & I enjoyed the ending.
Short interesting non- fiction pieces on a wide variety of topics. Enjoying it as a good thing to dip into & get you thinking.
Odd book - have read Kushners ‘cool’ style before but this one took me a while to get into. The characters and story creep up on you but I think many might find it slow.
Beautiful composed writing - have taken a break because I found the apparent fates of the characters too bleak. Will come back to it later.
Heavy subject but handled in a deft & deep way. Ultimately found it pretty hopeful which is what I need rn.