Another verse novel for middle readers featuring a boy, adversity and sport. Well-written, with a strong anti-war theme.
More of the same and it's probably a winning formula for the reluctant middle reader.
A straightforward story but I can definitely see the appeal.
It turns out I'm not quite the Murakami fan I used to be. Not a bad collection but I don't feel like the target audience anymore.
Required reading.
Graphic novel and memoir. Funny, sad, clear-eyed, kind, nostalgic. Cold War memories: Gaddafi, Hafez al-Assad, Mitterrand and Reagan.
Some honesty, myth-busting and score settling. Not for me.
My favourite read of the summer and one of the best post-apocalyptic novels I've read recently. "The great mystery of people lies in the many ways in which they will deceive themselves." Grim and convincing.
A timely read as the demagogues continue to ramp up their rhetoric.
Back to Dresden but without Vonnegut. I read this over two mornings alongside my daughter, who was curled up reading it silently on the sofa with me. Three stars for the novel, but that was a five star reading experience.
Poor Mersault, which I guess is the point, but also poor nameless victim. I was pleased to read that there's a post colonial reply in the form of Kamel Daoud's novel, the Mersault Investigation, which I'll try to get to. Lots of great lines in this one. One of my favourites: "And I can say that at the end of the eleven months that this investigation lasted, I was almost surprised that I had ever enjoyed anything other than those rare moments when the judge would lead me to the door of his office, slap me on the shoulder, and say to me cordially, 'That's all for today, Monsieur Antichrist.'"
A lot more conventional than I was expecting. Perhaps I needed to see the photographs. The terrible Welsh accents on the Audiobook didn't help. Still, the kids and I will check out the film. They didn't rate the novel either.
I very much enjoyed the Southern Reach trilogy and this prequel is up there with both Annihilation and Authority, my favourite of the three. Loved the first section, enjoyed the second but found Lowry's section hard going: such an ugly voice and an ugly mind to spend time in. Learned a bit more about Area X, but happily it remains inexplicable. Great series if you're into Zone fiction.
Very good. A nautical yarn, tightly told, with a satisfying take on class and gender. A bit of a stretch in terms of credulity but very true to its theme. I'm still hoping my daughter will read it but I'm happy that my son has picked it up instead.
Another postcard from the post-apocalypse. I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. Certainly better than the sequels. It's sufficiently convincing as a backstory and fleshed out a lot more of the world from a new perspective. Definitely worth adding to the series. My first audiobook, which I also enjoyed, particularly the function that ends it after a set time when I inevitably fall asleep.
Classic Paulsen, and his last book, published posthumously in 2022. I was worried it would be a bit too much like Hatchet when the spearfishing started, but it's quite a bit more spiritual than that, and very nautical. Five stars for the first chapter: a gripping start.
Another graphic novel exploring life around "the zone." Less complex and introspective than "Springtime in Chernobyl," but similarly hopeful. It's aimed at a much younger audience.
An artist and his fellow "illustactivists" head to Chernobyl in 2008 to document the life of survivors around "the zone." Not what I was expecting, and clearly not what Emmanuel was expecting either: "I thought I'd be braving death and danger... And here, instead, is life."
There was a fair bit of time spent nursing a boy to health, and some very stagey exposition, but all in service of a good story. Sad world. Very human.
Grim, but a superb adaptation.
Another enjoyable fantasy novel. Things move quickly and I wondered at times if it would have been worth slowing things down and stretching things out to a trilogy. There's plenty of world and adventure here to explore; I can easily see a sequel and return. A great story for younger readers and immersive in te reo and tikanga Māori.
I picked this up again having dropped it at the start of term. (Knocked 25 pages off the total, for those out there who are counting!) Well paced, engaging characters, great world building, a really good Maori fantasy novel. We've ordered a class set. Looking forward to Flight of the Fantail next.
Almost. I've grown a bit cynical about the virtue we assign to reading and was looking for something to rekindle the passion. Francis Spufford's The Child That Books Built worked for me, this one not so much. There are some nice moments here, though, and I love their passion.