Mt Roskill Grammar

229,041 pages read and 6,088 team points


1,410 pts
(1,058 pages read)
  • Think Again

    By Jacqueline Wilson
    3 stars

    It was enjoyable to read about one of Jacqueline Wilson's characters (Ellie from the "Girls" series) all grown up. There were a few discrepancies between this book and what was canon in the original series (e.g., Wilson changed one character's name from "Guy" in the original series, to "Gary" in this one). I also wasn't a fan of Ellie's main relationship in this book. However, I enjoyed reading about Ellie's experience as a teacher and single mum and also enjoyed learning what Ellie's friends, Magda and Nadine, were up to in their adult lives.

  • Shooting Stars

    By Brian Falkner
    4 stars

    I read this book since I'm planning on teaching it to my Year 10s next year. I think this book is an engaging YA read and I like how it uses a lot of unique formats to tell it's story (diary entries, court documents, etc.) It's also interesting to read a book set in Auckland that references many places that I know and visit frequently.

  • Malibu Rising

    By Taylor Jenkins Reid
    4 stars

    I really enjoyed this book! I enjoyed first half with the flashbacks to Mick and June more than the second half of the book focused on the party (which had a lot of side characters that were hard to keep track of), but overall this was an engaging read which focused on complex family dynamics, the struggles of fame, and surfing!

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