Fabulous. Read the whole book with my boys over 2 weeks. Lots of information about Aotearoas history.
Second book in the series and it left me a bit underwhelmed. Tight knit Indian/British family is forced to travel to Scotland to claim a heirloom they don't want. Half the book is written in Scotts, which didn't help. Bring on the third...
Quite Stephen King like, this books describes an end of time scenario where everyone above the age of 14 simply disappears. Thriller...I was unable to put it down.
Beautifully written novel about three Iranian sister living in Ireland. Clash of cultures and religion, spiced with mouthwatering food (ideas). Gave me a lovely break of another series.
Australian novel about 3 different characters and the twisted way their paths cross. I really enjoyed this as the individual stories go quite deep and are relatable for any middle aged person ;)
Another series I've started to re-read. Fabulous story about American colonisation in the 18th century. Abundance of historical details, spiked with a love story. So many similarities to colonisation in Aotearoa (or anywhere else in the world) as it depicts the struggle of natives/ tangata whenua to keep their culture, language, beliefs alive. Shows the greed of early settlers as well as the colonial government, with absolute disregard for anything else. Keeps you thinking which is great.
Loved this book. Very well written story that goes between past and presents. Keeps you captivated as it slowly answers lots of questions that pop up early on. Short chapters, perfect for the busy season. Thoroughly enjoyed the twists and turns, as well as the sophisticated vocabular (as a non -native speaker, I had to look up some words).
Gold old James Patterson... Always a captivating, easy read. Was perfect for the busy pre-Christmas season.
Drawback the 80's. Re-read the whole series (which took me all winter) but did really struggle with this one. Buy far the one that drags out the most. Lots of traveling back and forth of Ayla and Jondolar - but not much else happens. Since it's the last of the series I hoped to get some open questions answered but was left a bit flat.
Not one of my favorite James Patterson as it's not the usual crime story. Fairly easy read, great for pre-Christmas season though :)
Well written story about family dynamics placed in a small Irish town. Spiced up with the discovery of a crime committed years ago...
The best!! Unbelievable how many twists and turns a story can have. Loved this. Absolute bonus that it plays in Aotearoa (and is written by a NZ author). Highly recommend.